Friday, July 17, 2015

Download Splatoon for PC/IOS/Android (Wii Emulated) Released: May 29th, 2015

Not only does Splatoon add a much-needed touch of color to TPS, but the inspired use of ink redraws the genre's lines altogether, transforming the GamePad into an fantastic tool to brush the different layers of the gameplay so that everyone will always feel like applying another coat of paint. Nintendo gives the shooter genre its own cool spin. Splatoon is highly accessible for newcomers without making things uninteresting for experiences gamers. The gameplay is quick, balanced and highly addictive, even though there are not a lot of different modes to choose from. Splatoon is one of the best Wii U titles and is exactly the kind of game Nintendo needs to release right – a game that’s different, unique and, most importantly, features the charm people have come to expect from the company’s titles. Thankfully now the game has been emulated to work on PC and mobile devices!

In Turf Wars, you don’t see much variety in weapons. People gravitate toward a few weapons, namely the aerospray, which has a very good rate of fire (making it useful for covering turf quickly). That’s not the case in ranked. I saw just about every weapon in there, from rollers to chargers to the new zap gun. That’s because ranked rewards people for taking on specific roles for the team, which makes it easy for a variety of weapons and abilities that aren’t useful in Turf Wars to shine. I saw people take on offensive, defensive, support, and tactical roles that I never see in Turf Wars. It feels like ranked has a more varied and interesting metagame than Turf Wars.

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